What should you do if you encounter an unhandled error?
If you experience an unhandled error while using our app, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
Refresh or restart the app:
Refresh the page or log out and log back into the app.
If the error persists, close the app completely and restart it.
Check for app updates:
Ensure you are using the latest version of the app.
Gather error details:
Collect the following information to help with troubleshooting:
A description of what you were doing when the error occurred.
Any error messages or codes displayed on the screen.
The time and date of the error.
Screenshots or screen recordings, if possible.
Your mobile or browser type and version.
Contact support:
If the issue persists, reach out to our support team https://support.hanawallet.io/
Share the collected details to help them investigate the issue effectively.