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How to cancel your Hana card

Learn when and how to cancel your card, what happens after cancellation, and how to request a replacement. Stay informed to avoid disruptions in service.

Lachlan avatar
Written by Lachlan
Updated over 2 months ago

Why would you need to cancel your card?

You may need to cancel your card if it is lost, stolen, compromised, or simply no longer needed. Canceling ensures the card cannot be used for unauthorized transactions.

How can you cancel your card?

To cancel your card, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your mobile app.

  2. Navigate to the Hana Card section.

  3. Select the settings menu

  4. Select the option to Cancel card.

What happens after you cancel your card?

Once your card is canceled:

  • The card will be permanently disabled, and no further transactions can be made.

  • Any transactions already authorized before the cancellation will still be processed.

  • You can request a replacement card if needed.

Can a card cancellation be reversed?

No. Once a card is permanently canceled, it cannot be reactivated. If you need a card again, you’ll need to request a new one.

Will canceling your card affect subscriptions?

Yes. Canceling your card will stop any future subscription payments linked to it. To avoid interruptions, update your payment information with the services you use.

How can you request a new card after cancellation?

If you need a new card:

  1. Navigate to the Hana Card section.

  2. Select the option to create new card.

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